Different Daycare Costs Between an Au Pair and a Nanny

Different Daycare Costs Between an Au Pair and a Nanny

The most well-liked childcare options include nannies and au pairs. Each has pros and cons, so it’s essential to understand the differences before deciding which is suitable for your family.

An au pair is a visitor from overseas who lives full time with a ‘host family,’ helping care for children in the home in exchange for room, board and pocket money.


Nanny Fees

One of the most significant differences between hiring an au pair vs nanny is how much you’ll pay. While both options are a good choice for families, what you can expect to pay will depend on where you live and what you need the nanny or au pair to do for you.

Nannies tend to work full-time hours and are paid a salary by the family. The amount they receive is typically based on their experience and how many children they care for.

An au pair, on the other hand, lives with a family for one year and can choose to extend that contract for six, nine, or twelve months. This arrangement can be an excellent fit for families who need long-term care or are looking for an international experience.

The cost of an au pair is typically lower than a nanny because they are not required to cover room and board, which can reduce the financial burden for the family. The au pair also receives a weekly stipend, typically less than nanny wages.

Ultimately, the right childcare option is the one that works best for your family’s needs and budget. The key is to find the solution that fits your unique situation and to be open and honest about your expectations.

Au Pair Fees

The cost of childcare can be a significant factor when considering whether to hire an au pair or a nanny. However, it’s essential to realize that au pairs can offer more flexibility and convenience for your family than a traditional nanny or daycare center.

Au pairs are women from select countries who travel to the United States to spend a year working as a childcare professionals in exchange for room, board, and a stipend. They provide care for children ages infant to 12 years and are compensated according to the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Many families find that the relationship between an au pair and their children becomes so close that it’s like having a new sibling. This intimate connection is crucial for developing young children’s language and emotional well-being.

If you’re ready to find an au pair, look for an agency that offers a range of services and support to help make the process easier. The culturally-minded staff at agencies are well-equipped to assist with the process of bringing an au pair into your family’s life.


There are numerous options to think about when selecting child care. It can be overwhelming, but ultimately it will come down to your individual needs and priorities.

For many families, convenience and cost are the most crucial factors when selecting a childcare provider. However, in some cases, the decision may also be whether a nanny or an au pair is best for your particular situation.

Nannies and au pairs are live-in resources, but some significant differences in their schedules can help you decide which is suitable for your family.

Au pairs are young adults who live with a host family and help with child care and light housework. They receive a weekly stipend from the host family, room and board, and some money to attend school.

They typically work for about 45 hours per week, which is not an unreasonable amount of time. It also provides plenty of opportunities for them to learn about their new home country and culture.

On the other hand, professional nannies are often experienced in child care and have degrees or further advanced training in early childhood development. Their job is to provide high-quality childcare and have a contract with the family they are hired for. If the relationship doesn’t work out, the nanny can give notice and quit.

Additional Fees

Choosing the proper child care is an important decision that involves several factors. It is crucial to research each option and weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

Whether you are looking to hire an au pair or a nanny, both options come with significant out-of-pocket expenses for the family and the caregiver. These costs can include placement fees, travel and insurance.

This fee is not fully refundable when you part ways with your au pair. It covers things like travel, health insurance and medical exams.

Another difference between an au pair and a nanny is that nannies are employees of the family they work for, while an au pair is a temporary cultural exchange program. Both parties understand their roles, but how they view each other can significantly affect the success of your childcare partnership.

The host family and au pair must agree to the terms of their agreement, which may include hours worked, tasks performed and responsibilities. This is why it’s crucial to be clear about the expectations of your au pair before you hire them. Ideally, your expectations align to ensure the best possible experience for both of you.

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