Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can be a severe mental health condition that requires treatment. The earlier you and your healthcare provider diagnose the problem, the sooner you can begin therapy and learn how to manage your symptoms.

Bipolar disorder usually involves cycles of mania and depression. Unfortunately, those cycles can appear and disappear without warning.



Depression is a common condition that can be very difficult to manage. Symptoms might differ from one individual to the next and from one episode to the next. Symptoms can include sadness, low self-esteem, hopelessness, and worthlessness.

Usually, people with bipolar disorder experience depressive and manic or hypomanic episodes. This pattern of alternating symptoms is called the classic manic-depressive form of the illness.

Some patients with bipolar illness may suffer mixed episodes, in which they experience both manic and depressed symptoms simultaneously. These episodes can be very intense and can lead to dangerous behavior.

A person with bipolar disorder often needs long-term treatment to manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. They can use medication and talk therapy to treat their symptoms.

They should always take their medications consistently, even when they feel well. If they stop taking their medication suddenly, they could have a severe depressive episode or a dangerous manic episode.

Symptoms can also include feelings of hopelessness and anger. A person with severe depression may also have thoughts of death or suicide.

Early childhood trauma, medical conditions, and some types of substance abuse can all increase a person’s risk for depression. They can also affect how the brain works.

Suicidal thoughts

Symptoms of suicidal thoughts can be frightening for anyone, but they’re prevalent in people with bipolar disorder. This psychiatric condition is linked to a higher risk of suicide than the general population, and one in five people with bipolar disorder attempts to kill themselves at least once.

People with bipolar disorder can experience various mood changes, including periods of manic-like activity (mania) and depressive episodes. During a manic episode, you may talk a mile a minute, sleep very little, and feel like you’re invincible, consequential, or talented.

Some people with bipolar disorder also have milder manic-like symptoms called hypomania. These episodes may not cause problems, but family and friends may notice them.

In the most severe cases of manic-depressive episodes, you may become psychotic (having hallucinations and delusions). If you have a manic episode, call 911 or your local emergency number immediately to get help.

In addition to medication, therapy, and social support are the most effective ways to treat bipolar disorder. For instance, professionals like The Mighty provides support to persons who have bipolar disorder. In addition, a stable mental health plan can prevent further manic or depressive episodes and reduce your risk of suicide.


Mania is the most apparent sign of bipolar disorder and is an extreme mood, energy, and behavior change. It can affect a person’s relationships, work, and school.

The symptoms of mania may last for weeks or even months, and they can be very severe. Therefore, it is essential to let your GP know if you are experiencing symptoms of mania, and they can arrange for you to have an assessment as soon as possible.

During a manic episode, you’ll have very high energy and may feel very happy. You may also have lots of ideas and be enthusiastic about them. You may spend a lot of money on things you wouldn’t usually buy.

Some people become very aggressive or angry during a manic episode. They might pick fights, lash out at others, and be argumentative. They might also start blaming other people for their problems.

These behaviors can make you seem very out of character and cause problems. They can lead to serious social and work issues, and you could be at risk of making dangerous decisions.

You might be able to treat your mania with medication. However, you might also need to make lifestyle changes, such as reducing stress and getting enough sleep.


Anxiety is a typical bipolar illness symptom. It can be intense, uncontrollable, and overwhelming.

It may affect your thoughts, feelings, or physical symptoms, such as sweating and muscle tension. Sometimes it is so intense that you can’t think clearly or concentrate.

Usually, anxiety disorders can be treated with psychotherapy and medications. These treatments can help you to learn new ways to react to and manage your anxiety, so it doesn’t control your life.

Talk therapy can also teach you to challenge distorted thought patterns that create your symptoms. It can make you more aware of the triggers for your anxiety and reduce your worry and fear.

Treatment can include medication or lifestyle changes such as exercise, deep breathing, and meditation. These are all important for reducing the severity and frequency of your symptoms.

Anxiety can be triggered by things in your life or by events in the past. It can also be caused by your genetics and inherited traits.

It is essential to get an accurate diagnosis of your anxiety. Your doctor can examine you closely for this symptom, and if they think it is related to your bipolar, they should offer you therapy or medication as part of your treatment plan.

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